
Öffentliches Gespräch

Zwischen Afrofuturismus und Milchstraßenverkehrsordnung
AFROTAK TV cyberNomads intervenieren / Künstlerhaus Bethanien stellt sich

Nach den Auseinandersetzungen um die noch bis zum 15. September laufende Ausstellung „Milchstraßenverkehrsordnung (Space is the Place)“
laden wir ein zu einer öffentlichen Gesprächsrunde:

am 2. September, 19 – 21 Uhr
Künstlerhaus Bethanien Schauraum, Kottbusser Str. 10, 10999 Berlin

Einlass 18 Uhr / Die Ausstellung ist geöffnet.

19.00 Uhr Programm:
1.  Inputs
2.  Michael Küppers-Adebisi & Christoph Tannert.
Das Zwie-Gespräch
3.  Offene Debatte mit den Besucher*innen



Our opening on 1 August with the great Juan Atkins was attended by hundreds of guests together with the artists* of the exhibition. That evening, there was also plenty of discussion that was fuelled by the open letter from Soap du Jour, which we presented in our gallery window. We are very concerned by its arguments and we take the criticism seriously.
The wording for the exhibition ‘Milchstrassenverkehrsordnung’ has provoked misunderstandings, which we deeply regret. At no time was it our intention to exclude people or to marginalise their views and we apologise for doing so. The fact that the exhibition has too few female artists and people of colour is a mistake that the curator Christoph Tannert regrets.
We take this as an important opportunity to better educate ourselves and to ensure that moving forward, our program is diverse, inclusive and that we do not perpetuate colonial, racist and patriarchal structures.

We see ourselves as an open house and therefore, invite you to a roundtable discussion on these aspects on 2 September at 7 pm.
The exhibition rooms (Kottbusser Str. 10, 10999 Berlin) will be open from 6 pm. Admission is free.


Öffentliches Gespräch
Eintritt frei