another Exhibition
Lutz Friedel
another Exhibition
Lotte Nielsen
Hanoi 1, 2013 (aus dem Zyklus Studies on Traffic), Video, 8:23 min, Courtesy the artist
Andreas Müller-Pohle is a Berlin-based media artist and the founder and publisher of European Photography, an independent art magazine for contemporary photography and new media. He has published the major works of media philosopher Vilém Flusser, available in the eleven-volume Edition Flusser, including the seminal Philosophy of Photography, which has been translated into over twenty languages.
With the publication of Flusser’s essay Die Schrift: Hat Schreiben Zukunft? (Does Writing Have a Future?) in 1986 on floppy disk, he is one of the pioneers of today’s e-book. Andreas is the author of numerous texts on photo theory and has served as a visiting professor and lecturer at institutions in Europe, North and South America, and Asia. Since 1978, his works have been shown in over 200 solo and group exhibitions worldwide. Recently, he has been pursuing two long-term projects: Studies on Water, with portraits of the water landscapes of the Danube and the megapolis of Hong Kong, and Studies on Traffic, in which he investigates traffic phenomena in various regions of the world, primarily using the medium of video. –,,
08.04. – 01.05.2022
Tue - Sun: 2 - 7pm
Admission free
2pm - 7pm