
Youki Hirakawa

In his work Youki Hirakawa explores the state of things immersed in time, which he conceives of as a river. To do so, he starts by isolating objects or phenomena from their original context, which he then displays in site-specific photographic or video screening situations. The exhibition space thus becomes part of the temporal structure of the work. There are two layers of time in his works: firstly, the time of intuition specific to the objects themselves, and secondly, the time of observation that is used to measure time. Hirakawa slows down the pace of change that affects things to magnify this intuition or indicates the flow or absence of intuitive time by a notch on the object. We approach objects indirectly through time, but they are eventually shrouded in the mist of time. 

(Po-Wei Wang, Kunstkritiker und freischaffender Kurator, Leitender Forscher am Taipei Digital Art Center/Art critic and independent curator, Senior Researcher at Taipei Digital Art Center)