another Künstler*innen
another Künstler*innen
Elín Hansdóttir
Working Hard (Po-Yo Kuo & Wen-Ying She), Mouth of the River, 2021, Installation view of Tomorrow Towarding, "The World is yet to Come", MoCA TAIPEI, Taiwan. Photo: © MoCA TAIPEI. All rights reserved.
WORKING HARD is more than a name of the art collective but a method of aesthetic practice in order to reconstruct an imaginative space via archival approaches. Abstracts every fragment and reflection of daily life and surrounding, we manipulate sounds, visions, smells and medium, to examine the relations and extensions among these elements. The “existence” itself is consist of too much information, which results in our serious pursuit and to reconstruct those scenes once appeared in the memory.
We usually applied the form of sculpture to anchor the issues of museum and archive in our previous creations. In the recent works, we explore the connections between audio memories and visual imagination, recompose the audio script and transform the city’s memories into an audio track. The soundscape provides an atlas for visual imagination. The audio description also helps visitors to bring back all the lost and forgotten scene and memories.
Our creations evolve along with our experience of working and living in different cities. From an individual angle, we observe and experience the collective life of different cultures and societies. Within the combination of sound and vision, our works express the transition and quarantine of a culture which survive at the slit of the city. We also build up an imaginative space which made by our documentation and sensibility of real world, and to make the historical narrative can be interpreted with various and complex angles and approaches.
WEN-YING SHE (b.1989, based in Taipei, Taiwan) gained her MFA sculpture degree in National Taiwan University of Arts in 2016 and has collaborated with PO-YU KUO as artist collective WORKING HARD since 2015. Their works have been exhibited in Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Kaohsiung Museum of Arts among others. They also participated in residency projects in Taiwan, Germany, New Zealand and Indonesia.
07.01. – 15.06.2022