another Künstler*innen
Christie Blizard
another Künstler*innen
Minha Park
Hsu Ting, “Ocean Gate”, 2022, digital prints, iron parts, woodwork, cement, 700x650x370cm, exhibition view at Luo Shan Feng Recreation Area, Pingtung, Taiwan
Hsu Ting is a Taiwanese artist with an art practice based on photography. From indoor exhibitions to large-scale outdoor installations, Hsu Ting often starts her creation with site-specific production. Hsu likens photography to painting, the act of producing brushstrokes with the camera. Her imagery is based on her surroundings. Regarding her photographic works as a process rather than a conclusion, her works attempt to extend the photographic image beyond the finite moment in which it is captured. Her images are often abstracted until distance, time, and place are blurred and unfold into the present space. From shooting to display, her clear and purposeful manipulation studies the photographic concepts of light and shadow, as well as how the picture frame and structural elements can highlight the connection between image, space, and the viewer. Hsu’s recent works transform her memories into colors and lines, crossing between pure abstraction and reality, the composition of each work is inspired by the photographs she took of her surroundings or local sites, observing the shapes and light patterns of the environment.
07.07. – 15.12.2023