another Exhibition
Window Display
another Exhibition
New Black Romanticism
In his early works Wu Chi-Tsung utilized media art to discuss the fundamentals of the creation of images and seeing. More recently, he expanded his research, traversing through the domains of culture and art from East to West and integrating traditional aesthetics and contemporary artistic concepts.
Far from East starts out from the work Crystal City which gives the audience a glimpse of the artist’s point of view. In the radiating light, the sharp clear shadows of ordinary plastic boxes become distinct, projecting a view resembling a concrete jungle of skyscrapers. Here, Wu observes the ambiguous boundary between reality and fantasy, and rises the question about reality and illusion in our cyberspace-influenced lives. The series Wrinkled-Texture and Cyano-Collage redefine the junction of photography and painting. Wu utilized cyanotype techniques to apply a photosensitive emulsion on hand-wrinkled Chinese rice papers, and then exposed them to sunlight. The imagery resulting from this process resembles traditional Chinese landscape representation, with ink and brush being replaced by a photogram.
Wu Chi-Tsung is a grantee of the Ministry of Culture, R.O.C. (Taiwan) and the Taipei Representative Office in the Federal Republic of Germany in the context of our International Studio Programme.
16.11. – 10.12.2017
Tue - Sun: 2 - 7pm
Admission free
7 pm
Wu Chi-Tsung
Kultusministerium von Taiwan (R.O.C.) und Taipeh Vertretung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland