another Exhibition
Jörg Mandernach
another Exhibition
Falkenrot Prize 2013
Ulrich Vogl, born in Kaufbeuren (Germany) in 1973, is based in Berlin.
The expression “extension of drawing”, already the title of an exhibition and a publication, can be considered the leitmotiv of Ulrich Vogl’s artistic practice. While Vogl’s overall concern would be the “extension of drawing”, his focus over the past few years has been on “drawing and light”, working with shadows, reflections, movement and drawing.
Among the latest sculptural works of Vogl, presented at abc – art berlin contemporary in 2013, is Sphere I – Wolkenfilmmaschine – a cloud film machine – where Vogl combined the early film techniques of black stripes and slits with a rotating ball and a mobile. Like many of his time-based works Sphere I – Wolkenfilmmaschine is playful and creates its own magic without ever hiding the simplicity of its creation. Thus in difference to the regular form of presentation of the series IM SCHAUFENSTER Ulrich Vogl presents the medium ‘film’ not on a screen but as a sculpture, that is a film by itself.
16.12.2013 – 22.01.2014
Gallery window at
Kottbusser Str. 10
daily 2 pm – 2 am
Admission free