another Exhibition
Thomas Kellner
another Exhibition
Brook Andrew
Kaputt / Broken
D 2016
7:02 min
In devastating tableaux, the animated documentation Broken seeks access to a dark part of German post-war history: The story follows the voices of Gabriele Stötzer and Birgit Willschütz, who were imprisoned for political reasons in Hoheneck Castle, the most notorious women’s prison in East Germany. They report on the merciless daily life in prison and the psychological consequences of the incarceration, which continue to this day.
The symbolically interwoven drawings from Volker Schlecht show the forced labour associated with enormous pressure to perform for West German retailers, transforming the suffering of the inmates into enormous profits on both sides of the Iron Curtain.
Volker Schlecht (Animation & Direction) *1968, lives and works in Berlin.
Alexander Lahl (Direction & Script) *1979, lives and works in Berlin.
The on-going screening series Phantom Horizons
presents digital as well as analogue works that question the paradigm of linear perspective, seeking a new kind of “status perspective” [Bedeutungsperspektive]. The latter was a development of ancient and medieval painting, in which the size of figures is determined by their hierarchical significance. Extending this approach using the methodology of deconstruction and the possibilities of contemporary film creation, the presented works open up multifaceted, unseen horizons.
Curated by Robert Seidel |
08.05. – 23.05.2018
Gallery window at
Kottbusser Str. 10
Daily: 4 pm – 2 am
Admission free