
Orawan Arunrak

Exit – Entrance

Using tools like pencils, pens, paper, but also photography and the internet, Orawan Arunrak creates works that take the forms of drawing, painting and installation. Arunrak’s most recent series of works communicate through conversations that focus on elements and mixtures of Thailand, Germany, Vietnam, and elsewhere, encompassing religion, otherness and gender, as defined by customs, contexts, and environments.
Presented as an installation titled Exit – Entrance, these works explore the juxtaposition of different states of being in the ‘real’ and in the spiritual world, with the ideas of nationhood and nationality. The artworks featured in Exit – Entrance combine visual and sound elements drawn from conversations held in Thai, German, English and Vietnamese. Arunrak sees her work as an experiment for the viewer, to try to hear, listen and see in ways that might develop mutual understanding for different ways of living.

24.05. – 18.06.2017
Tue - Sun: 2 - 7pm
Admission free

7 pm

KfW Stiftung