
Tatiana Macedo


Tate Modern, Videostill, Video footage for Seems So Long Ago, Nancy, HD video, 45 min, 2012, Courtesy Video and Still Image: Tatiana Macedo

Most of my work starts with the capturing of sound and images (moving and still), resulting from my immersion in a certain reality or context. It is multi-situated as a whole, or better yet: it sits at the border, detached but intimate. If I place myself inside an institution, I work from within in order to push the limits of its “walls”: through the escapism of sound and from within the bodies and minds of those who incorporate them. This is true for my first medium-length film Seems So Long Ago, Nancy, shot entirely at Tate Modern and Tate Britain. In the context of these “public spaces” I direct an observational game between the characters in the film and the spectators in the screening room, assuming my point of view and extending the “experiential” beyond its spectacle.

01.12.2015 – 01.12.2016