
Pim Blokker

The Netherlands

My work includes mainly paintings, in which I approach the canvas as a game with the subjective perception which the perspective shifts each time or become stretched. A game where formalistic qualities and the physical act collide or merge. On deliberate way I link personal associations to generally applicable approaches to create new possibilities and combinations. The prospects in this work process I don’t see as an illusion. It is a new reality that through my paintings is generally accessible. It is the representation of the public mental space which no fixed structure, no end and no begin.

That symbiosis between humor and seriousness plays an important role in my work in particular because of the joke into perspective against the backdrop of the gravity and tragedy and visa versa. The juxtapostie of humor and seriousness, I believe the most extreme human emotions, give me the possibility to examine major issues at a playful way or absurdities as established fact. My doomed attempt to find a form of universal imagination is here eventually might be the best example of this.

For me it is primarily of interest to broaden the common points of view and thus to new insights. I’m not interested in a afgekaderde truth, it’s more the miraculous escape coming, the exaggeration, the absurd quip that I attracted me feel.

01.04. – 01.08.2019