
Melanie Jame Wolf


Parade : Parade, 2019. 2 channel HD video, 3 minutes 45 secs. video still: Melanie Jame Wolf / Ashton Green

Melanie Jame Wolf is an Australian artist working with performance, text, video, and installation in projects for theater, gallery, and screen spaces. Concerning herself with the poetics and problematics of ghosts, class, sensuality, gender, narratology, and the body as a political riddle, she pursues an ongoing interest in analysing the idea of performance-as-labour in artistic, popular entertainment, and everyday contexts. Her work often produces taxonomies of performance techniques, for example: of impersonation, melodrama, or stand up. She does this in order to understand performance as a potential technology for survival, and as an engine for fluidity of subjectivity from a queer-feminist perspective. With a background in theater and dance, she approaches her work with video and installation as an expanded choreographic practice. Her work seeks to play along a continuum of the sublime and the ridiculous. Leaning into a hyper-stylised pop aesthetic, she is invested in humour as a strategy for critical possibility, and in working with language in subliminal and surprising ways.

01.07.2020 – 31.12.2022