another Künstler*innen
Erik Gustafsson
another Künstler*innen
Sara Wu
Still from Mega Mighty Monster Morphin, Chapter: The Ordeal. 2022
Malthe Møhr lives and works in Copenhagen, DK. In his mixed media-practice Møhr seeks to dive into culture dominating images, sounds and shapes and their chaotic abstraction of mass society. As a personal compass in such a process, Møhr tracks and traces his own nostalgia and to what he’s drawn to, placing his work as close to his own subconscious as possible; an often hauntological process packed with pop-culturally charged allusions, DIY film aesthetics, and animal motifs. This is evident in Møhr’s large scale film-installation, Mega Mighty Monster Morphin; a theatrically immersive tragedy about a modern day’s hero’s ill twisted fate in a quest for heroic success and masculine identity. What seems absurd and naive is juxtaposed with real conflicts which aim to confront masculine mythology, and from its core identify which structures merit preservation and which ones demand relearning, remaking, and reshaping.
01.01. – 15.06.2025