weitere Künstler*innen
Chih-Chien Wang
weitere Künstler*innen
Tatiana Macedo
Advisor, 2015, Messingbuchstaben auf Bäumen im Park, Größe variabel, Foto: Kama Sokolnicka, Courtesy BWA Warszawa
Poetic and emotional burden of materials I use, transpose the mental subject matter into physical objects to highlight the value placed between individual experience and socially coated expectations, their dark or comic setbacks. By playing with a regime of between-the-two and too shallow clarifies, my work partly consists on the terms of ambivalence and disappointment. Adrift observation point (of view) allows to analyze the construction of contemporary subject, whether from human or more posthumanistic positions. I’m interested in picture as a memory function and in associations between imagination and horror vacui phenomenon.
15.09. – 15.12.2016