
Søren Lose


Søren Lose creates dream-like images of our memories, photographs that incorporate the material of which both our dreams and our memories are made, a phantasmagoric weave of remembrance. By so doing he creates ‘impossible’ pictures, which are at once both self-sufficiently inturned and indissolubly bound into the community and its groups and members, unique and quotidian, rare and ubiquitous.

The pictures are ‘impossible’ inasmuch as they show us something, which, in the normal run of things, we don’t get to see, namely the way in which memory works. Substantially more than the mere stuff of remembrance, materialized and extroverted pictures of memory, they provide us with keys to the understanding of the social and collective dimensions involved in processes of remembering – albeit that by so doing they undermine and disavow their social dimensions, insisting on the self-referential segregation of the dream.

(Rune Gade)

01.01. – 30.06.2008

Exhibition: 28.03. -13.04.2008