
Saskia Noor van Imhoff


Exhibition view; Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, Volkskrant Beeldende Kunst Prijs, 2012; Photo made by Gert Jan van Rooij, 2013

In the installations, photo works, objects and videos of Saskia Noor van Imhoff, distinctions between an art work and its material are questioned, between the exhibition, a collection and the pieces of which it consists. Her installation ( ‘# + 11.00, 2013, Soft (1.5-2), fairly heavy, fragile with perfect cleavage. Semi-transparent with adamantine lustre. Orange-yellow streak. Fuses aesily, giving off fumes with a garlic smell. If exposed to light loses its colour and slowly changes into powdered orpiment.’) is a landscape presenting selected pieces from De Stedelijk Museum Schiedam collection, using varying modes of display. Van Imhoff juxtaposes her own responses to these pieces. Using works of former participants as raw material, she seeks to rewrite history by merging the intuitive with the institutional. In her reconstructions and reproductions, one traces the associative decision making of the artist, while the mere category of the art work itself becomes subject to a continuous process of repositioning. Saskia Noor van Imhoff (b.1982, Mission, Canada) studied at the De Ateliers (2010-2012) and the Gerrit Rietveld Academy (2004-2008) Amsterdam.

01.04.2013 – 30.03.2014