
Dan Stockholm


Ewige Flamme, paper, sod, epoxy, solid plaster pedestal. 51x32x10cm. Eternal flame from Theodor-Heuss-Platz Berlin transported to Denmark in a carrying object made from volcanic ash from the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull – manually maintained for months and used in the production of four paper objects.

Using a mix of studio and field praxis Dan Stockholm utilizes a method of creative archeology that involves traveling, researching and the collecting of various materials.

Stockholm is drawn to and explores places, architecture and materials of historical value, tension and even conflict. Interested in various approaches to working with site-specificity, Stockholm investigates this genre by both creating works on site and by exploring how artwork can come into existence as something new between the original site and the created object.

Recently, his focus has been working with what he refers to as Performative Process: A performative execution of his works where the processes are brought into focus making the final work a vessel that carries a story of its own making. These processes cannot be accessed by viewing the work, but rather through narratives that can be activated in retrospect. This mirrors another interest of Stockholm’s, namely that which happens when works oscillate between the seeing act and the imagination.


01.01. – 30.06.2016