
Panayiotis Michael


'Untitled', Digital Print, A4, 2012-2013

The intimate relationship of space, location and time becomes molded temporarily in cultural significations, linguistic expressions, social and political ideologies, religious and other belief systems. Panayiotis Michael is interested in the exchange of cultures, languages and migrant groups, which all attribute, in different ways, to the formation of particular space. Some times spaces are suspended by means of forces and contested interventions, and at other times, they may be adopted sites for belongingness. Panayiotis Michael is particularly concerned with the kind of effects generated in the process of adjusting to new emotional, social, and political environments. Wherever cultures meet and cohabit, new codes of communication and fashions of expression develop. Imperative to a horizontal coexistence is the understanding of each other’s codes of conduct. This involves a transitional period engaged in flirtation, suspicion, imagination, and obstinacy. Procedures are intended, proposals and counter-proposals suggested, directives and limits set; and sometimes they conflict and other times they adjoin, creating a plexus of uncertainty but also of euphoria.

Maria Petrides, independent writer


01.01. – 31.12.2013