


founded 2001 in Vienna, Austria
Stephan Kobatsch, born 1975 Vienna, Austria
Clemens Leuschner, born 1976 Göttingen, Germany
Jenny Wolka, born 1978 Cologne, Germany

Much of Mahony´s artistic production derives from wellknown and unknown historical facts. This kind of appropriation in Mahony-terms always means questioning, transforming, translating, re-associating and reactivating the chosen topic. With this process they form new rhizomatic nets making connections from past to present, paths that go across geographical and historical zones, social and political contexts. They alienate the viewer by translating found material from ancient times into ours or from one culture into another. At the beginning of a project oftentimes stands a journey to places like Yucatan (2011), Ushuaia (2009) and Brasil (by cargoship, 2009). Therefore works that emerge in public space or in the countryside are later continued in the studio and vice versa. The media and material that Mahony use are diverse, the group works with video, photo, print, collage, sculpture, performance, urban intervention and installation. (Victoria Dejaco, 2012 /Deutsche Übersetzung folgt)

01.01. – 31.12.2013


Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Bundesministeriums für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur der Republik Österreich und des Österreichischen Kulturforums Berlin.